We have all noticed a big shift in the political and economic climate in recent years, as the recession has forced the government to cut back on state benefits and this has left people having to fend more for themselves.
With important agencies like the Job Centre facing huge budget reductions, the British public can no longer rely on being financially supported by the state in the event of losing their jobs or being kept out of work by a long term illness.
This makes it all the more urgent that professionals in the UK become aware of the range of income protection products that will stave off financial doom if their regular income suddenly dries up. This article discusses some of the options available for those with families and mortgages who want to ensure the bills carry on being paid even in the worst of circumstances.
Income protection, also known as unemployment Insurance or lifestyle protection, is the name given to insurance products that provide payments to cover lost income when an individual loses their job or is unable to work for medical reasons.
These payments are intended to supplement rather than replace the money you receive from the state in such circumstances, because despite what you might hear in the tabloid press, state benefits only cover the bare minimum of expenses. They are designed to enable you to put food on the table, but not to help you pay off an expensive mortgage. This is where income protection comes in, by enabling you to pay the bills, keep the mortgage going and generally maintain something like the lifestyle you have been accustomed to before, hence the name 'lifestyle protection'.
Not only can you claim benefits alongside your income protection insurance, but also if you lose your full time job but still keep a part-time one, you are still entitled to claim. Income protection is not a one-size-fits-all product, rather it provides different solutions to cater for all manner of individual circumstances.
Nor is it restricted merely to employees, as income protection policies are also open to business owners and the self-employed. This means that if their business goes under, they too will have the financial safety net of insurance payments to fall back on while they pick themselves up and start again.
Recent surveys show that more than half of UK families would run out of savings in 4 months if the main wage earner was out of work. Regardless of whether you are public sector or private, contract worker or self-employed, you owe it to your loved ones to make sure they will be provided for financially, whatever the future might hold.
Finally, the most important point regarding income protection is that you shouldn't delay in taking out a policy. If your firm is laying people off and your job is in jeopardy, it's already too late. Insurers will not cover individuals who are expected to lose their jobs in the near future, because that makes no financial sense from their point of view. Stay ahead of the game, shop around for the best policy, and then relax knowing your financial future is as secure as it possibly can be.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6482899
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